This entire site is subject to copyright protection according to Articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Any reproduction or total or partial representation of its content, images, texts, sounds, by any process used, without the prior authorization of the company 'Cinquin Andy' or Julie Sommaro, is prohibited. Any violation will constitute a sanction and will be prosecuted.
Website owner
Julie Sommaro
Paris :
4 Allée Edgar Brandt,
92320 Châtommp,France
Haute-Savoie :
836 route de Perrignier
74140 Sciez, France
Phone : 06 76 38 48 92
Cinquin Andy
SIRET : 880 505 276 00019
72 avenue Camus
44000 Nantes
Phone : 06 21 58 26 84